Our Approach

Typically, when one thinks of community development, one thinks of buildings constructed, roads expanded, etc, as signs of communities becoming more developed.

When we think of community development, if the people in a community have gained more education, gained more work experience, become healthier physically, spiritually and feel more connected to themselves and the community around, we would define the community as becoming more developed.

Our approach is called #Familyhood!

#Familyhood is” a systematic approach of utilizing schools as a center for a communities development as defined above.

Our approach begins with a perspective of how one should view a school. For example, instead of a viewing a school just as a building that contains several classrooms, a basketball court, cafeteria, etc, view the school as a big head that grows with intelligence each year through new students attending (Freshmen) and other students graduating becoming alumni. View this “big head” with a fisherman’s net around it. The net is there to catch all the alumni that graduate each year and keep them engaged to the affairs of the school and its community.